Friday, July 16, 2010

Greetings from Nepal

After almost 48 hours of travel time, I finally made it to Kathmandu and the volunteer house.

side note: another volunteer is sitting right next to me playing the uechalayli (no clue how to spell that) and can tell how wonderful of an experience this is going to be.

Any way I did have quite interesting experiences on the way here - anything from the person next to me refusing to let me sleep by somehow managing to talk the entire 8 and half hours to Delhi and when I did fall asleep, he'd let me be for a few minutes before loudly saying, "hey" right into my ear and waking me up, to the lady in Germany misreading her info sheet and telling me I couldn't fly to India from there because I didn't have a visa - giving me a near heart attack and panic attack until she finally realizes her mistake a ways later, to making friends with some Nepalese people about my age who go to school in the states and were on there way home to visit family, to meeting a psychologist from Cleveland who seems to travel at least 9 months out of the year and was extremely fascinating, to having a man from New zealand make a scene for me in the Nepali airport because he insisted they were ripping me off asking for a 100 dollar visa fee because he had been there a month before and it was only 50 dollars - untill he found out that I was staying for 6 weeks embarrassed he stated that is was the correct amount, to already being use to squat toilets, to seeing cows just hanging out in between highways and even in the middle of the road in the middle of such a huge and busy city, and everything in between! It has been fantastic. I've already completely fallen in love with the city - it only took me about 2 minutes after leaving the airport parking lot.

Anyways, there are volunteers here from all over - Toronto, California, New York, Australia, Beijing, and some I can't even remember. Tomorrow I get up early to help the children with there studies before they head to school and then I start my 'orientation' and tour of the city. I can't wait!

There is so much more to tell but this is already too long and I'm going to go watch a movie with some of the other volunteers - I'll be writing again soon!



  1. yeah im so glad you had (ahem) an uneventful travel experience as only you can, 3 days of worrying down and only 40 some more to go now! lol, I knew you would fall in love with Nepal,guess thats why i sent that link over a year ago.can't wait to hear more!! try to get a phone if you can i would feel alot better,love and miss you

  2. So glad you made it to Nepal safely! Miss you at the apartment, but I can't wait to keep reading your blog and hear all the amazing things you will see and do!! I hope you've already started taking pictures! LOVE YOU!

  3. Kaela, glad to hear you arrived safe and sound.
    It sounds like you will be making alot of great memories this summer. take care--love, aunt Dawn
