Monday, July 19, 2010


Hello again,

So much has happened in the last couple days I'm not even sure where to begin. Since the last post, I have learned some Nepali, Helped many children with their studies, played many more games, was shown a traditional Nepali dance by one of the girls - which was extremely beautiful, Gone to a Buddhist Monastery that was unspeakably beautiful and serene and it was fascinating to see all the young monks (between about 5 - 12) running around and playing just like any other children, went out to eat with the other Volunteers, bettered my spelling by helping some of the girls prepare for their english spelling exam, took an hour bus ride and hour and a half jeep ride through extreme terrain up the mountains to go visit a school and hang out with the children for awhile, and then all the way back in the first bad rainstorm I've witnessed so far and it definitely lives up to it's name of the monsoon season, had a pigeon refuse to leave me alone while trying to use a restaurants squat toilet, went out with a bunch of volunteers because it was Jordan's last night (one of my favorites) - he just left a few minutes ago, played jump rope with the children which they loved, helped to make new benches to be put in the the orphanages, and some other things that I know I'm forgetting.

To answer some of my moms questions:
There are about 10 other volunteers in the volunteer house and a couple out on placements. The volunteer house is a 3 story building with a 4 girls rooms and 3 boys rooms - each room has 3 or 4 beds in it. There is a place to wash your clothes on the roof. I share a room with Hilary (a teacher from Connecticut) and Xinwa (a sixteen year old from Beijing) Almost everyone here has come alone - the only ones together are a brother and sister from Toronto
The orphanages here are nothing like the one in Peru,there is much more people, they have more privacy in that there are any where between 3 to 6 children in a room, and they have decorated their rooms to personalize them and they are beautiful, There is also a lot more love in all of these orphanages, not only between the Dai's and Didi's (daddy and mamas) and the children, but among the children as well. I've also noticed that these children are academically much more accomplished then the children were in Peru, they are extremely diligent and hard working.

I think I may have picked a placement - a Boys home about 2 hours out of the city up in the mountains. It's not completely for sure yet, but I would be leaving Monday if I do go.

Me and Hilary - the teacher from Connecticut that i'm sharing a room with - are going to Chitwan National Park together tomorrow and will be getting back Friday night. It's a perfect time to go because the Children will be finishing exams and there won't be all that much work for us to do.

I cannot wait to go and help and play with all of the children again today as well as learn some more Nepali and whatever other adventures Nepal has in store for me today.




  1. hey thanks for the update i still check on here every few hours lol. what can i say so many questions i have!i Have one request please pick an orphanage where you can be in contact!namaste to you too..can't wait to hear all your stories! i asked a bunch of stuff on your face book so won't repeat here, love you Mom

  2. Hey Kaela--surprised you were considering a placement with an all-boys orphanage??? You must miss your Cashore cousins!!! Glad to hear you are meeting alot of people and having a great time. Try to keep your mom updated for all of us--I think it will help the time fly for her. Can't wait to see pictures when you get back--love, aunt Dawn

  3. i agree about the all boys orphanage would much rather you go to an all girls!!!!

  4. sounds like you're having an amazing time!!! i found myself smiling just imagining some of the things you described. :) what a wonderful experience! live it up to the fullest my dear.

    amanda and i are missing you and sending you lots of love!!

    xoxo, your wife

    p.s. i wanna be a billionaire, so FRICKEN bad!
